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"Proposals that hit been place by the PES group ... they are simple proposals which do not cost."
He said the proposals would require countries that benefit to clear a fee to compensate other countries that are putting up the guarantees.
(Speaking at meeting of dweller People's Party)
"Initially I was of the intent that a unique persona for the IMF would be a rattling intense idea. I do still study that it would be a intense idea. We module probably hit a mixture of the IMF and bilateral loans."
"We hit become to Brussels to make a decision, we did not become to Brussels to expose to the entire world our disagreement. This has to stop."
Is there a chance for an agreement on Greece?
"Yes, I do conceive so."
Would he accept whatever changes to the EU treaty?
"That depends on the amendments that grouping would want to make to the treaty. I don't conceive this is a short-term question. I could envisage amendments to the accord when establishing the dweller monetary fund. I don't conceive that in the case of Greece, amendments to the accord are necessary ... we hit to removed this Greek case and the accord changes related to the establishment of the dweller monetary fund."
On German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
"She was explaining to parliament this farewell that she is in tendency of the IMF and bilateral loans. My opinion is that we hit to work out info concerning the helper which would be place in locate to hold Ellas although I conceive we module not hit to use this instrument, but not all the info can be place on a example of paper tonight."
Do you wager an agreement within the euro regularize that the IMF should be brought in?
"I hit reasons to conceive that this module be the deal, yes."
On Greek crisis:
"It is essential to find a solution. If a resolution can be found, it is really primary that the IMF is involved because of the skillfulness and the conditionality.”
"If there is a meeting (of Eurogroup leaders), there must be a guarantee that it module be successful. Otherwise it has no use."
"There are a lot of informal meetings now, so we hit to move and see."
"There can be a combination of a persona of the IMF and a persona of dweller countries. It is essential to talk most sanctions, we also requirement to talk most competences of Eurostat. You can hit sanctions, conversation most cohesion funds, and maybe in the future most structural funds."
"There are now discussions to hit whatever kind of loan facility. The essential discussion is should it be meet bilateral action from whatever euro regularize countries or should it be also an IMF-supported action, which I conceive it should."
Asked if feat to the IMF would be humiliating to the euro zone:
"I don't conceive so. They are there to cipher those problems."
Asked most German Chancellor Angela Merkel's tough function on Greek aid:
"I understand Chancellor Merkel. She indicates she is healthy to hold but she wants to hit a thorough process, a thorough solution."
Asked what he expects from the summit:
"There may be discussions of euro regularize countries. Sverige is not part of that. The expectation is they module give whatever kind of signal. Whatever is said at this meeting, we hit to remember that the Greeks requirement to do the employ themselves."
Asked if EU accord should be changed:
"I don't conceive in dynamical the treaty. I remember when we agreed on the port Treaty, in the farewell we promised digit another no more accord changes in the next 10 years."
On the euro:
"I want to particular the fact that social partners, both the business side and the change union side, particular how essential is the unchangeability of the euro for Europe for business but also for the workers, for our economy in general. That is an essential communication considering the current debate."
On hold for Greece:
"I am convinced that we module be healthy to find a resolution ... I conceive that together the 27 member states module become up with a solution. Of course we do requirement the hold of the euro regularize and the Eurogroup."
"We do requirement essentially a dweller solution. The way of finding that resolution is by loans at reasonable rates. There is no reason why we shouldn't bring in the IMF."
"It is not a discourse of giving Ellas money, it is a case of lending Ellas money that they then hit to clear back with interest."
On possible contributions for Greece:
"Spain module clear on the basis of its GDP and inhabitants."
On the euro:
"Both sides of industry, the employers and the change unions, hit made it rattling clear that it is primary to keep a brawny euro. We requirement confidence in the single dweller currency."
"The euro is an extremely essential currency. It's essential to hit a brawny single currency."
On ECB collateral change:
"As you know, according to the treaties, the ECB has full independence. So it was a selection taken by the ECB. It has my full hold and the full hold of the Commission."
On hold for Greece:
"We have, of course, to involve all others. But at this stage I module not interpret on whatever specific resolution or the format of that solution."
"Greece is determined to deal with its own problems, place its own house in order. We hit already made rattling essential and courageous decisions, embarked on a journey of major radical reform. Our country is on a journey of becoming a viable, prosperous, more transparent and more meet economy."
"We already are seeing tangible results ... we are on the right track. We module move ahead. Whatever the selection taken today, Ellas module move ahead in a positive manner and in the right direction."
"Of course today, the challenge is a dweller digit ... for making sure we fortify the euro zone, we strengthen the euro currency and we stabilise the euro currency and the dweller Union."
"I would say that (German Chancellor Angela) Merkel has been indecisive for too long. Tonight we requirement a objective selection to hold Ellas and a selection to create a dweller mechanism for whatever member state."
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